Photo Caption: 2 tricks that I regret reinforcing: fetch and picking my nose. Especially fetch. He chases me around the house, lays his toy at my feet, and expects me to throw it… endlessly because his attention span is a lot longer than mine
Photo Caption: Trying to explain to a friend how loud Misha is, because videos just don’t capture it. This measurement was taken in January but he regularly screams, laughs, and talks at atleast 115 decibels. I wear earplugs at home almost 100% of the time because I’m never sure when he’ll go from a whisper to the hearing damaging decibel zone.
These birds live 80+ years, and Misha is only 11
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Photo Caption: Before putting him down I waved him@at my neighbors. It sounds kinda dirty to say I waved the bird, waved my cockatoo, etc
Photo Caption: Boo helps me every morning! I don’t wear that much make up any more but I wasn’t going to wear lipstick this morning and he reminded me it was super cute. In the last picture you can see where he is like “ you’re leaving the house looking like this?
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